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Jonathan Amos - BBC Science CorrespondentWed, December 23, 2020, 6:17 PM CST

It might have suffered a big break-up this week, but the iceberg A68a is still carrying substantial bulk. The latest satellite analysis indicates this Antarctic colossus maintains a thickness that could yet see it catch in the waters surrounding the South Atlantic island of South Georgia. If that happens, then worries about the effects the berg could have on the territory's wildlife will resurface. Penguins and seals might be obstructed as they forage for fish and krill. And these predators need to feed not only themselves, but their young as well. South Georgia is entering peak breeding season. The Royal Air Force flew another sortie over A68a on Monday to assess the situation. This page features video and stills from this reconnaissance mission.

The military flight occurred just after a new chunk, A68d, broke from the main block - but before the major fragmentation event on Tuesday. This saw A68a split into three substantial segments. What had looked like "a pointing hand" snapped its "index finger and knuckles". The breakages occurred along predictable lines of weakness that have been evident ever since the berg fist calved from Antarctica in 2017.

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DETROIT, Mich. (WLNS) – Last week, A Delta Air Lines flight was forced to return to the gate in Detroit when two of their customers wouldn’t wear masks.

When it comes to the new rules for the novel coronavirus, airlines like Delta are taking them very seriously. So far, the carrier has banned 100 anti-maskers from taking their flights and gone a step further by addin

g them to a “no fly” list.

Delta says its strict policies about masking are part of an effort to promote best public health practices and safety amid the pandemic.

In a statement provided to NPR, Delta wrote: “Medical research tells us that wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to reduce the COVID-19 infection rate.” The airline “remains committed to requiring customers and employees to wear a mask or face covering as a consistent layer of protection across all Delta touchpoints.”


Here are a few specific examples of what is happening in various states:

Maryland: While tracking systems have long been in place, physician participation has always been optional. Many states are following the example set by the state of Maryland. On October 1, 2019, all physicians who administer vaccines are now required to enter information into the ImmuNet system about every vaccine that given or refused. Patients can opt-out of these virtual tracking catalogs, but will providers tell their patients about the tracking system and offer them a way to opt-out?

Massachusetts: Activists are fighting to halt H1848, a bill that would allow insurance companies to have access to citizens’ vaccination data without patient consent.

Oregon: passed H2220 to allow dentists to administer vaccines and report to its system.

Louisiana passed SB 169. The law allows tracking of adult vaccinations and removes the need for informed consent before vaccinating.

Rhode Island passed S676A and H5541A which mandated reporting to KIDSNET.

Florida passed HB213 mandating its SHOTS program.

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